Bent Copper (alien cop 3D print) by LeoDDC


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
So, I found this 3D printed object and loved the concept.

You have an alien wearing a very terrestrial police ballistic vest. Classic! To me, quite a bit of the "Men in Black" vibe from when the movie first came out...

So, I printed it in ABS plastic with a short layer height of .05 mm each layer. Once I cleaned it up, it came out great!

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I had to get my print bed adjusted (the grey mis-print on the left), but once I got the machine adjusted, the print went pretty well. After finishing, I used the usual scale model tricks (back of the knife, sand paper, etc) to clean up the plastic. I used Krylon Ultra-Flat green paint for my primer, and it gave the surface the right tooth for my acrylics.

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I used just the good ol cheap craft paint I use on my miniatures, with great results! My wet pallet can be seen on the left, the colors I used on the right.

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I really think the paint made a huge difference. You cannot tell that it was 3D printed from afar, you really have to look close.

For more specifics on my printing method:
We may have to open a section for 3D printing. If so, I would like details, like type of printer, if it is Homemade, excellent, type of file used, etc. Looks good, without knowing the details, it's hard to say much else. Looks good though, would be O.K. with posting some technical data? What kind of plastic, printer, program format, etc. I think many would find it interesting, I know I would. I was working with these things back in 1984, and they were quite secretive about them back them. I convinced the town's school system that they should buy one. In the end, they purchased a printer for each school. Thanks for posting this. ;)
We may have to open a section for 3D printing. If so, I would like details, like type of printer, if it is Homemade, excellent, type of file used, etc. Looks good, without knowing the details, it's hard to say much else. Looks good though, would be O.K. with posting some technical data? What kind of plastic, printer, program format, etc. I think many would find it interesting, I know I would. I was working with these things back in 1984, and they were quite secretive about them back them. I convinced the town's school system that they should buy one. In the end, they purchased a printer for each school. Thanks for posting this. ;)

Agree!!! I have a friend who recently bought a new 3d printer with a HUGE heated bed and after designing in Blender was producing some excellent blaster props... Just a while back I saw where a guy made his 3d the separate parts and then used silicone to mold the parts which were then cast, in resin ( I have the specifics as I kept the links) then after casting reassembled and painted, and is selling as resin sculpts. They are also being used to cast into a silicone mold and then mold used as a slip mold for ceramics... imagine all those extrudes and curled shapes out there or that can be created in Rhino or anything as a two-foot-tall vase, of course, the printer was able to make some huge prints!
@Sudsy That is a good looking figure. You did a great job on the painting.

If there is enough interested members in 3-D printing, I will open an section specifically for it. I know that there are a couple of other members who do 3-D printing for a job (like @Ron Caudillo).
I think if there is a section, it will be filled. These would have to be good threads though. Not finished pieces. The trials and tribulations is how people learn, is what will make a section work. Just posting the end result would not be worth making a section for this. There are so many forums/websites doing that already. ;)
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We may have to open a section for 3D printing. If so, I would like details, like type of printer, if it is Homemade, excellent, type of file used, etc. Looks good, without knowing the details, it's hard to say much else. Looks good though, would be O.K. with posting some technical data? What kind of plastic, printer, program format, etc. I think many would find it interesting, I know I would. I was working with these things back in 1984, and they were quite secretive about them back them. I convinced the town's school system that they should buy one. In the end, they purchased a printer for each school. Thanks for posting this. ;)

Technical specks from my Thingiverse Make:

Printed on a Lulzbot Taz5 (not Mini 2, somehow thingiverse screwed that up and I cannot select just the Taz5)

No supports required, though I had to print a brim to get the parts to stick to the bed.

My resolution, or layer height was .05mm

Infill was 20% to 30%

I scaled the model down by 50%

Material was ABS plastic

I should have documented the print issues I ran into... All of that is my trying to find a machine setting that worked for the material and environment (my basement).
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Thanks for the specs. I understand what you mean, but for the uninitiated, you might have to spell it out more. I am still amazed how if you either have access to, or have a small milling machine and lathe, you can make a better unit than you can purchase dollar for dollar. IMHO ;)
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Thanks for the specs. I understand what you mean, but for the uninitiated, you might have to spell it out more. I am still amazed how if you either have access to, or have a small milling machine and lathe, you can make a better unit than you can purchase dollar for dollar. IMHO ;)

Hmm... We might need a sticky with some 3d printer basics! When I get a chance, I will get something put together for you if you would like.

You know, I will likely make my next CNC machine, be it printer or router. RepRap is the way to go.
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That would be interesting. I programmed large CNC machines for 10 years. ;)
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That would be interesting. I programmed large CNC machines for 10 years. ;)

You will have NO problems understanding 3D printing! Only difference is additive versus subtractive. Otherwise, G-code is standard, M-codes vary (which is no surprise since you have a decade of using them, and probably know about that already), and the machines are 'flimsier' since they are desktop and not cast iron.
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We were doing 3D printing back in 1986. Can't really say what type, but I had to keep my lips zipped about it for decades. When they finally came out, I was surprised by how far behind the times they still were, though they are catching up, they, except for the industrial level, are getting there. The sintered metal printers I find the most amazing. ;)