Beat the high cost of On30


Oct 13, 2004
I wanted to model the 1870's in On30. MMI is bringing out a 1870's 4-4-0, but $400 dollars, HOLY MOLY!!!!!. The Bachmann Mogul looks silly with a balloon stack when you see it in person, it is an 1880's state of the art loco, not 1870's.

Going back to my original roots and my rubber gauging lifestyle, I found the alternative, Sn3.5.


Sn3.5 allows realistic models to be built from HO mechanisms. You can only build caricatures or industrial tramways in On30 using HO mechanisms. Mantua Oldtime 1860's are a $7 dollar street value narrow gauge box car. 3-1/2 foot gauge was the original common carrier narrow gauge instituted in Norway and India in the 1860's.
Besides S scale is the one true scale, seriously, it is the best size for layout building, bar none.

Fight the high price of narrow gauge and visit my Sn3.5 page at:

Thank you if you visit

You are my rubber gauging hero. You are the only one I know who has actaully used 4 separate scales on the same track and layout. I throughly enjoyed your web site as always.

yours in training
But I am amazed that parts from all four got me where I wanted to be. As Hannibal of the "A Team" said, "It's great when a plan all comes toghther."
Harold is now becoming quite the basher and who would have thought, and A team fan to boot!

What's next, HOn30 or Nn3?

Seriously though, very inspiring work! I look forward to what you come up with next!

Harold is now becoming quite the basher and who would have thought, and A team fan to boot!

What's next, HOn30 or Nn3?

Seriously though, very inspiring work! I look forward to what you come up with next!


Done both those and Fn3 also

What I am hearing most recently is that Sn3 is a great way to go using HO track, which works out to 3.5' gauge but looks just fine.
3-1/2 foot gauge was the original common carrier narrow gauge instituted in Norway and India in the 1860's.
India? I thought India had similar-sized 5'6" and metre-gauge networks, and 2'6" and 2' counted as "narrow gauge". At least, before the widespread conversion of metre gauge lines to 5'6"...
3-1/2 was the ORIGINAL narrow gauge instituted in India in the 1860's. Yes they had 5'6 at the time and other narrow gauge later.
Yes, New Zealand is mentioned in my article. Queensland, Australia and South Africa have 3.5 foot gauge.

The new HO Roundhouse mogul can be bashed into a convincing early Sn3.5 mogul. Something we will never see in On30.


Our mogul under construction. They were the freight mainstay of narrow gauge other than Colorado.
