Backmann 45 deg track part question


Jan 15, 2012
Planet Earth
Hi All

I was given a Backmman set which makes use of the E-Z tracks which great for me in that I do not have the space to do a full and fixed setup like one can do with the Atlas tracks and parts.

In the set there is a 45 degree cross and I am having questions in how the part works, when I join 3 or the 4 parts on to the cross it does not work out in that two of the side pieces have conflits and can not join.

Is there everyone who has a 45 degree E-Z track that is working in there HO scale setup and if so please post a picture so that I can sse how that parts works.



Edit add

Here is a link of the part in question that I found a picture on ebay.
You will need to use partial length straights and curves to make everything line up. I'd suggest going to the Bachmann site and look for track plans with that particular crossing. That should give you information on the numbers and lengths of the short sections.