Apollo 11-12 Recovery Carrier USS Hornet CVS-12 (Waste of time thread)

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New Member
Mar 5, 2008
I am expanding my search since there appears to not be a kit of the Hornet in any scale available into data to create a model of the ship in 1-350 scale. Does anyone know of or have suggestions as to where I might find line drawings, useful accurate data and such to use in this creation? This is such an important part of not only the Apollo History, but USN as well. Thanks Bob
Thanks Gandolf50....I have checked out the site and pulled a little info. What I need is good drawings and any specs to help design a new card model of her. It will be in 1-350 scale and cover her from every phase of service. First priority however is in her final configuration as the Apollo recovery ship for 11 and 12.
GPM makes a model of the Hornet. To make one from scratch, well, unless you done this kind of work before, research is 90% of building the model. I couldn't tell where where to buy that model because unless you live in Europe, it is really hard to find them. I posted a pic of it.

Thanks Zathros...that is a great kit for the early version which was lost. I'm looking for the Essex class CVS-12 which is the modernized vessel. Thankfully she still exists as a museum ship in Alameda CA. Yes research and obtaining the proper info is the biggest and challenging part of the process.
Thanks for educating me on that. I appreciate it. I can try and look up line drawings, it would be better if I knew what kind of software you use, or if you use none. ;)
I noticed your thread on Papermodelers.com. There are some extremely knowledgeable people there, and have long memories about kits, and where they've seen them. If they can't help you, you may have to design this from the ground up. I am extremely good a shaping hulls, if I have the hull former lines, and their respective stations. Again, this gets into what kind of software you may use. You can loft a Hull from former lines and stations, it is just a bit more time consuming, but it is how I learned, before I got into CAD.

The model "Ennder" referred to is very rudimentary, but could be used as a basis.
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The problem is he wants the CV12 version, and there isn't much out there on that. I found the hull lines. I could probably extrapolate the stations, but I can't think of any reason to take on something of this magnitude at this moment. I have asked what software is being used, but have no received any answers. There is a parallel thread by the same poster on Papermodelers.com, so maybe someone there will make it for him.

You will probably have to spend money to get the plans you seek. You still have not stated how you design your models, so I am hesitant to offer up anything else, quid quo pro, ya know! ;)
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I have found the same data but:

a)The OP has not stated how he intends to utilize the data.

b) With the data readily available, and reading the threads on both forums, I don't see how, with all the data recovered, why no virtual model has been drawn up. I could loft the Hull with the hull former lines, and deduce the station points, but this is not a model I am interested in building.

c) I have asked, twice, what kind of software, or method was going to be used to do this. If it was string and ruler, because that was the OP had, well, that's actually a fine way to loft a Hull, and I might be compelled to do it. Without the proper software, I would have to make the hull formers, flatten the skins, decide on whether this is a waterline, or full hull model, and again, we've supplied the data, but no response on the scale, or methodology that is going to be used. I would in essence be the person making this model. What is exactly being asked of us?

I think this is pipe dreaming. The OP(Original Poster) would be better going out and getting the Revelle model, detail the superstructure in paper, and make a multi media model of this ship, that for the many many hours it would take to put into paper, few would build. I'll help anyone make their model, but I'm not making models for anyone. I've lofted hulls for quite a few people, but nothing came of those models, and to be honest, after the few hours it took to make, then flatten, it has left a bad taste.

If I don't hear a post the the Original Poster soon on this, I will close this thread. Please, until a response is made to all the info given, and a response to the questions posed, nobody post any more.

This is looking like a waste of time and resources, when all that is needed is some Googling. I found everything you posted in 15 minutes, and I wasn't trying very hard, and have very slow, in the woods, internet speed. Again, what is really being asked of us? :sadno:
Hello....sorry for the delay but I don't get online often as I am heads over heels in the creation of this Apollo Anniversary Project. The recovery carrier is being added to an existing display of spacecraft, launch vehicle, LUT and yes is a much involved process but well worth it due to it's historical value. First, question about the software. I have a Corel suite running on a XP Pro Machine but no other software as I will need to obtain such. Scale of the completed model is to be 1-350 to match other recovery vessels. Yes I have googled and have found information that can help in this effort and also have made inroads with some other off line sources of data. I have already built a diorama of ol'66 and Columbia CM in the water but want to add the Hornet to this presentation.
You won't be able to unfold the model in Corel. 1/350 is a pretty small ship, I would guess you could just hack you way through a model that size, as much of the superstructure scale will be to small to detail. The overall ship would be that of a generic carrier. When the picture uploading issue is fixed, should be soon, maybe you could upload what you have to get a better idea of what you need.

Do you have previous knowledge in designing a paper model from scratch? This is fundamental, and will determine what kind of software you may need, but if you are still using Windows XP, you already have fallen behind the curve. Windows 7 would be fine, but Windows XP, well, what you waiting for? I want to be straightforward with you, I would help you design a model, but won't design it for you. There may be others who would wish to join in on something like this, but it would no longer be your model. If I lofted the Hull for this model, I would consider it mine, as that is probably the singularly most difficult thing to do. The superstructure is pretty straight forward, and the data on details is all there. A model,like this, to design, would take quite some time. I think you may be in over your head.

Personally, if I wanted it that bad, I'd get the Revelle model, and work on modifying that to the standard you wish, and there are many forums that do that, turn plastic models into quite detailed examples of the original.

Amazon has one, that includes the Apollo capsule for $49.99!

Link = https://www.amazon.com/Hornet-CVS-12-Free-Carrier-Decals/dp/B00BECI3GG
Thanks for the reply......I appreciate your honesty, but I am not looking for someone to design for me. I am just attempting to locate the info related to the vessel. I have a copy of the Revell kit, but it's not suited for my purposes as one isuue is it's small size. 1-350 fits well and can accommodate other ships in the future. I also want to do this in card as all my other replicas are in that material since I switched from plastic years back. Blender is a program I am currently looking into, so any insights are appreciated.
I am closing this thread. We went threw this song and dance two years ago, and you stated you would start using Blender. It is virtually identical to this one. I have no idea why you would do this again, but it wastes time, and time is too valuable to waste, especially that of other people. Anyone looking at your postings in your profile will see the thread and posts. This was in reality pipe dreaming and an exercise in futility. It was untoward of you to waste people's time like that. You are on thin ice, I will probably be booting you for doing this, in any event, and considering your longtime membership, and very few posts, maybe it is time for you to move on.
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