A hello and thank you


New Member
Jun 30, 2011
I found this place while searching for info about an N scale collection on ebay. Reading up on it here helped me out a lot, I did not bid on it with some of the great info already posted here. After that, I did some more reading and found that this was a very nice forum full of great people and posts. So I decided to join. :thumb:

I might have done this backwards. I see that lots of people join to ask questions on builds and techniques. Our lay has be done for about a year now, and it's holding up well. We used all sorts of techniques, I think the most strange in our build is the use of spray paint as a base color, and we also used some pre-mixed stucco on cliff faces and hills to really give some nice surface to the rocky areas. Overall we were happy with our build and truthfully I was surprised it didn't look like a giant pile of :p.

Here are some images and video of our setup. I would love to get some feedback, this is the first time I have ever shared it out beyond our family.

[youtube=My N Scale Layout]a-5MZRp_O30[/youtube]

Click here to see build photos: https://picasaweb.google.com/107843349804176895977/TrainScene#

That's an awesome setup. N-Scale is hard to work in, for me anyways, I have fat fingers. I also have found that the tracks must really be kept "conductive" for smooth operation. You have an excellent technique which makes from a realistic display.
Thanks for sharing

You got excellent results with non standard techniques, Thanks for sharing. This forum is well set up for sharing projects and techniques , all we need is more folks who are involved, thanks for posting

Bill Nelson
Thanks for the comments, as for the questions this is only using a conventional setup. I hope to put DCC will be in the next one. And as for structures, I don't plan on adding any. I am a fan of urban decay. I have what looks like an old train car burred half way in the ground, rusting and forgotten. I also have a few "old tracks" that look like they get covered by vegetation.

I think the one thing I did very different then any other build is that I used Kato track. It was a simple and clean solution.
It seems to me that the Kato track would be quick and easy to set up and save several tricky steps for layout construction greatly speeding things up.

I still use DC on my home layout ; DCC doesn't make sense until you have more than one train to run, or sound, which is a lot of fun . I personally love structures, but that gets into almost another hobby, and one can only pick up so much at a time, again, it looks good, and thanks for sharing.

Bill Nelson
I'm not a fan of obvious ovals, but this one has something. I think it is the scenery and that strange mini-scene of a dereclit wagon. How it got there, what's the story?
Details like this are excelent ingridients to stories and a modelrailway is a story being told.
Then there are the photos with a young and highly motivated modeler. Is good to know that this hoby is not only for elderly folks (just take a look at pictures and that's what you see most).