let the insanity begin

Nice and solid looking - what paints and colours will you be using?
cheers - ill be using acrylics, probably Army painter range but not sure yet. The main colour will be red, my youngest used to have an army called the 'Blood Angels' who dressed in red armour/red vehicles etc. Ill also be doing icons for some of his favourite bands (he loved metal like Iron Maiden, Metallica etc) amongst all the details.
Bit more progress, not loads as i was at the hospital yesterday, but the toes are on (phew) and the pistons atop them are underway. Ive also started the core work on the ankle joint.
slowly slowly...more soon lol :toast:
so little more progress, ankle joint is done, just got to add 5 supporting pistons, but then its on to the lower leg, but before that happens ill get this prepped for painting lol - this part is one of the more complex areas of the kit, many of the other parts while somewhat involved are that much larger so hopefully progress will happen faster :bulgeeye: but even before that happens, the other foot must be done! pray to the card gods for me lol, more soon