Scoring parts

What type of scoring do you prefer and why?

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Rhaven Blaack

Staff member
Jun 12, 2009
There are a few way to score parts to make them fold easier.
Not only that but there are many different tools that you can use for such.

I have started this poll to find out what kind of tool and technique all of you use for such (and why you prefer one over the others).

I hope that this poll will help new modelers decide what tool and technique is best for them (and maybe inspire others to try another technique that they may not know about.
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I use a seam ripper that I found in the cloth section of the local Wally World, I score on the printed side, I know 'Mountain' folds would fold better if scored on the back side, but I have no access to a light box.
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I use the pick from a nut cracker set that has just enough of a point without being too sharp. Usually I line up a straight edge over the fold line to use as a guide (I do this both for cutting and scoring).
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Most of the times I prefer to lightly cut from behind. Specially when the folds are small or short. When there are long folds, I prefer just to use a stylus to crush the back side of the fold. The same for curved folds.
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I cut lightly (not through) from behind if the bend will form a valley. If the fold will form a mountain I score two parallel lines from behind and scratch out the paper between them
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If the parts must be perfectly square, I score with an old x-acto blade. I do not press to much and the edges are perfect. if the edges must be rounded, I score them with anything rounded with the radius I need like toothpick, rounded pen, marquer, glue stick.....anything rounded.
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When scoring is absolutely necessary to compensate for accrued intolerance, I separate the parts, and apply pieces on the inside to work as glue tabs. If you are careful, from the back side, you can cut a V, not going through the last layer of paper, and not cutting the graphics, allowing the back pieces to give strength and maintain the models integrity. :)
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I use a small crochet needle mounted in a wood handle to score and reverse score along the fold lines. It forms a shallow indentation instead of cutting.

With small parts I sometimes use an old, dulled utility knife blade and align the edge of the blade along the fold line then do the fold. No scoring is used with that method.
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I actually have a cuticle tool for doing your nails...its old...has hexagonal grip a rounded spear oh never mind...I'll get the camera and send a pix...hang on a sec...

back... Sharp point is dull enough not to cut your cuticle (paper) and the flat end to push your cuticle works very well to flatten your folds..or in my case..after an initial fold I hold the piece against a steel edge and use that end to "sharpen" flatten the fold for a 90º angle etc... that's easier than trying to explain this thing...finding one is another matter!
yo tambien utilizo un lapicero pero estoy en busca de algun instrumento mejor lo malo que me lastima el papel trato de hacerlo por el reverso tambien quiza utilizo mucha fuerza.estoy buscando opciones.
I also use a pen but I am looking for some best tool how bad it hurts me do the deal paper on the reverse also perhaps I use a lot fuerza.estoy looking for options
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I use a ink-less pen to score from the printed side. Scoring from the back is kind of tricky and very time consuming for me since you need to mark the line somehow

I also use an ink pen that is COMPLETELY empty. Admittedly, it takes a long time to ensure that NO ink is still inside. I have a very fine point pen that I use that I've been using since at least 2003! Makes a nice thin crisp crease, I think the roller point also helps to not damage the indentation too. I tried using an X-Acto blade, but couldn't get the hang of it. My ink pen always gives me perfect creases. If I lost it, well...I just shudder at the thought!

Best Regards,
It's pretty easy to blow out the ink, just remove in inside, cut off the plug, if there is one, and blow on the end opposite the point, you will see the ink blow right out of there. ;)
Me quede Pensando en el cortador de la pizza con rueda..pase por el mercado y encontré incluso de plástico y hay pequeños vamos a parece muy buen dato
I kept thinking about the pizza cutter with rueda..pase by the market and found even plastic and there are small we will try ...... it seems very good thing
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