general r/c post


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Well hello all.I'm just making a general intro post here.I don't get a chance to rc much but i love it as a hobby.I have a electric heli i am still learning to fly,a OFNA off road nitro buggy w/ 4 wheel drive and a few other upgrades,as well as a explorer 40 "trainer" nitro plane.I am beyond beginner but love how this one flys.I dabble in rc boats but really have no place to run it.I was working on a scratchbuilt 6' Edmund Fitzgerald but it was a WIP until it met a fate all its own when a shelf collapsed.Well that's all for now.
Your Edmund sunk in the air. Very sad indeed. 6' feet long, that is amazing. Post pics of what you have, or are doing! I have been dusting off my R/C stuff to see if I can get my son interested in something. I'm seriously thinking about a remote control lawnmower. That way he can learn gas with electricity! :)
I actually met the gentelman that designed the prototype R/C lawnmower that Toro was going to put out
I am really surprised they haven't done that big time yet. I have been toying with that idea for a while. it would be so easy! :)