Search results

  1. Rhaven Blaack

    Silent Running Drones Review

    I am glad that I was able to introduce you to this place, and that you enjoy it here.
  2. Rhaven Blaack

    Silent Running Drones Review

    You did an AMAZING JOB on these droids. I agree, they are indeed labor intensive. However, they are well worth it. I am happy to see that your friend really liked them. Doing something like this for someone is always a GREAT GIFT! I made a set of them for my fiance. She shows them off to ever...
  3. Rhaven Blaack

    X-WING (with movable wings & partial interior intention of the technology).

    You are off to a great start! I am looking forward to seeing how this turns out. If I may ask, who is the designer of the template?
  4. Rhaven Blaack

    Construction of the StarGate drone

    You are making great progress on this project!
  5. Rhaven Blaack

    Construction of the StarGate drone

    The light test looks GREAT!!
  6. Rhaven Blaack

    Oi Sou Leona do Brasil

    Hello and welcome to Zealot, Welcome you to Zealot! You have come to the right place for all things model building as a whole, and to build and hone your skills. The members here are very helpful. There are many members that are designers as well. I am certain that they will be more than happy...
  7. Rhaven Blaack

    Sr-71B 1:45 build thread

    That looks AMAZING!!!
  8. Rhaven Blaack

    Redesign Royal Guard Tie Interceptor.

    This looks ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! You have done a FANTASTIC JOB on this project! You have set an EXTREMELY HIGH BAR with this model! There is no question that you are to STAR WARS as @Revell-Fan is to BSG & BRTC25! Thank you very much for sharing this with all of us!
  9. Rhaven Blaack

    Tie Interceptor by Uhu02

    This looks AMAZING!
  10. Rhaven Blaack

    Hello from Brazil!

    Hello and welcome to Zealot, Please let me be the first one to welcome you to Zealot! I am glad to see that you joined the forum! You have come to the right place for all things model railroad building (as well as other forms of model building), and to build and hone your skills. The members...
  11. Rhaven Blaack

    Redesign Royal Guard Tie Interceptor.

    Those look FANTASTIC!!!
  12. Rhaven Blaack

    Sr-71B 1:45 build thread

    It does look good. However, getting skin like this to turn out right is very difficult (at best). This is something that take quite a bit of practice to get right. However, what @Revell-Fan is indeed spot on. IF you can mate up the panels prior to laying them down onto the frame, you will have a...
  13. Rhaven Blaack

    AT-AT scratchbuild project

    This is coming together beautifully!
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