Recent content by Walter2

  1. Walter2


    Hi guys, I have decided in favour of a new model, the open X-Wing (see pictures). I'm already looking forward to it. Of course with a build report if desired
  2. Walter2


  3. Walter2


    Thank you, I'm glad you like it. Now I'm going to take a little break (maybe a few smaller things) and later I'll choose a new project. I still have a lot in store.:yesyes:
  4. Walter2


    Finally finished and also stable. The model was a challenge, but with patience and a few tricks it can be done. Now add the matching diorama and it's sure to take pride of place. And now - run, my little chicken bird...
  5. Walter2


    Head ready. Now it's time to assemble it and I hope it's stable.
  6. Walter2


    Machine gun ready. A few more parts for the right side and then assembly.
  7. Walter2


    Start of the machine gun - many particles and many small rolls.
  8. Walter2


    The "wiring"...
  9. Walter2


    yes, it's getting there, the two "ears" and then I'm curious to see if the "wiring" will work.
  10. Walter2


    Base and cannon finished - first customization.
  11. Walter2


    The laser cannon is finally ready. I had to glue in a piece of a paper clip that I had cut to size, but the pipes had to be restarted three times. Apart from that, I had to do a few more little tricks, but on the whole I'm satisfied. I finished the base and then glued the whole thing under the head.
  12. Walter2


    The first rough cuts for the laser cannon. I leave the very small parts together, otherwise they disappear...:OOPS:
  13. Walter2


    The back of the head is already finished... Next comes the most difficult part, I think, and that is the triplet laser cannon with lots of small parts.
  14. Walter2

    Simple Colonial Viper (based on the geocities.jppapertoy_box/sirius replicas)

    Yes, that's exactly what I meant, I just couldn't think of the word. I tried it once on a trial basis, it's a bit of an effort, but it looks quite good on larger models. I once saw instructions from a Japanese on a model, but can't remember where.
  15. Walter2

    Simple Colonial Viper (based on the geocities.jppapertoy_box/sirius replicas)

    it would be interesting to give the model a slightly "3D" look - concave or convex. Maybe I'll give it a try.